
Sunday, 19 February 2012

A - Z of Sport Therapy

A fun post here with some common terms that Sports Therapists, Physiotherapists and other musculoskeletal therapists regularly use.

A = Achilles Rupture - for a complete rupture surgical repair of the tendon will be required in most active patients.

B = Bursitis - Bursas are small, fluid filled sacks that protect a tendon where it attaches to the bone. If the bursa becomes injuried and inflammed you have a condition called Bursitis.

C = Calcaneus - also know as the heel bone.

D = Draw Test. A test for damage (rupture) to the Anterior Cruciate Ligament of the knee - see this link for a video of the Draw Test.

E = Electromyography - is used for recording the work produced by a muscle. The technique measures the amount of electrical activity that is produced by a muscle.

F = Facet joint - the small joints between each vertebrae. There are two joints at each segment of the spine.

G = Gait - refers to the movement patterns of our limb, however Sports Therapist's will most often be talking about the movement at the foot and ankle, when talking about your gait.

H = Hemarthrosis - is bleeding into the joint spaces. This many occur due to a traumatic injury for example a heavy twisting injury to the knee.

I = Inguinal hernia - is a type of hernia found in the lower part of the abdomen. Treatment of this will often be surgical.

J = Jumpers Knee - is more accurately known as a patella tendinopathy. If you suffer from this pain will be present just below the knee cap when exercising.

K = Kyphosis - refers to the curvature of the thoracic spine. Over kyphosis will lead to a rounded posture in the upper back.

L = Lumbar spine - the lower 5 vertebrae in the spine (lower back).

M = Meniscus - the cartilage that acts as shock absorbers in the knee. Unfortunately this cartilage can be torn relatively easily.

N = Navicular - is one of the tarsal bones found in the foot. It is the 'key stone' bone on the inside arch of your foot.

O = Osgood-Schlatters disease - a problem found in active children between the age of 10-16. See my blog post on it here.

P = Patellofemoral Joint Pain - joint pain at the front of the knee. Pain found just underneath the knee cap can indicate Patellofemoral Joint Pain.

Q = Q-angle - is the angle from the hip to the knee. It's important as individuals with a large Q-angle are more susceptible to certain types of knee pain.

R = Rotator cuff muscles - are 4 muscles that act to stablise the shoulder joint. Rotator Cuff Impingement Syndrome is a common injury.

S = Sciatica - the sciatic nerve is the largest nerve in the body. Sciatica is caused by injury to or pressure on the nerve.

T = Tendinitis - is inflammation of a tendon. Examples are Achilles Tendinitis & Patella Tendinitis.

U = Ultrasound therapy - used to enhance cell repair during inflammation.

V = Venous Thrombosis - a blood clot that forms in a vein. There will be a higher risk of this down wind of surgery.

W = Wry neck - also known as Torticollis, is a deep spasm of the neck (side) flexors.

X = X-ray - Used to image 'boney' injuries.

Y = Yellow Elastic Tissue - is one of 3 forms of dense connective tissue.

Z = Zygomatic arch - is more commonly known as the cheek bone.

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