
Thursday, 20 September 2012

Stretching Your Hamstrings - 9 different variations for you.

We often get asked at the clinic about how best to stretch the hamstrings. 

The truth is there is not a single method that is 'best' for all people and all injuries. 

Some stretches work better for certain problems. This is largely due to the fact that different stretches will bias (or target) different aspects of the muscle and different methods change the 'type' of stretch you get. 

In addition any experienced therapist will know that some individuals 'feel' a better stretch with one method when compared to another. This can vary from person to person. For that reason it's often best to try a few different methods of stretching, before deciding on which one to stick with.

Below are 9 different ways to stretch your hamstrings, try a few of them a 'feel' what works best for you:

For a full size printable copy of the stretches click here.

P.s. There are many more methods for stretching the hamstrings that are not included above, however this should be a good starting point.

P.p.s I have a couple of stretches that are my personal favourites. For example, the No1 stretch that I use is the second one from the bottom. There are a few reasons I prefer this stretch, but the reasons are a bit lengthy to go into on this blog post. Again this one doesn't work well for all people but it's one I use often.