
Thursday, 24 January 2013

6 Great Core Stability Exercises

Why is core stability so important and how can I improve it?

The muscles in your core are very important to whole body function. During movement they keep your hips and spine in the correct alignment which in turn helps to prevent awkward and incorrect biomechanics. Poor biomechanics can lead to injury. For example if you are running and have poor core stability, your core muscles will weaken as you become fatigued and this usually lets your hips tilt forwards or side to side. This can put excessive strain on other muscles such as hamstrings/glutes and cause them to tighten and possibly tear.

So if you want to avoid injury I would strongly recommend adding a few of these exercises into your workout regime! Pick 2 or 3 to begin with and as you get better at them you can swap exercises or increase the number of sets and reps you are doing.

To start with try doing 3 sets of 10 reps or 30 seconds and progress from there.

These exercise videos were put together by a couple of friends and I at university and not only show you how to do the exercises but talk you through them as well.

1. Medicine Ball Twists

2. Sit Ups With Twist

3. Forward Plank

4. Side Plank

5. Superman

6. Trans Ab Heel Lowers

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