Tuesday 19 July 2011

Have you got IT Band Syndrome (ITBS)?

ITBS is more commonly known as 'Runners Knee'.

The Iliotibial band is a thick, very strong section of connective tissue that runs from the top of the hip down the outside aspect of the leg. It connects to the bottom of the knee at the fibula bone, with some of it's fibres running into the patella.

In the case of IT band syndrome rubbing takes place at a bony point called the lateral epicondyle. If the IT band is tight it will rub over this bony point when walking, running or jogging.

If you have ITBS you will find pain on the outside aspect of the knee, which is caused by the band rubbing on the bone. If left for a long period scar tissue will develop in this area.

Downhill running and high impact activities will typically cause the most problems.

As with many injuries you will most often find that there is some underlying bio-mechanical issue or inefficiency in the body. An example of this is that there may be a specific weakness in the hip musculature. This weakness is likely to cause tension to build up in the IT band. If this is the case then the treatment must focus on addressing both the painful knee area AND the issue in the hip too.

If the painful knee area is treated without 'fixing' the underlying weakness (or bio-mechanical problem) elsewhere then this injury will re-occur almost straight away on returning to training.

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